You are a nurse with university degree?
You like to work in Germany in a hospital?
You like to improve your life and have more freedom and a better lifestyle?
You have no money to realize your dream?
You can not pay the costs for your emigration to Germany?
N O P R O B L E M !!!
We don´t want your money.
We need your quality as educated nurse.
We want your help in Germany´s hospitals.
We will finance all your costs in your land.
We won´t let you alone.
After the selection by our partner (qualification),
we accompany you from the beginning to your arrival in Germany.
Our OFFER for
qualiefied persons...
We pay your language school fees for you to learn the german language (A1 to B1).
We pay the language exam (certificate) fees for you.
We pay the documents translation fees for you.
We pay the fees for your visa service at the Germany embassy.
We take care of your working visa for Germany.
We pay for your flight to Germany.
to live
Now in Germany...
We take care of you after arrival in Germany.
Your accommodation will be ready for you after your arrival by our partner (IB).
You will meet your new collegues at the hospital.
Your new German course "B2" is ready to start (4-6 months).
During the language course you work few hours at the hospital.
After getting your B2 language certificate you get your fulltime job at the hospital.
Enjoy your new life in Germany.
How the project works...
You will be recruited abroad and afterwards qualified for the labor market in Germany.
Clients and your future employee, that are looking for experts, are supported by the IB partner organizations abroad, who are in charge of the preselection process.
Your recruitment as an expert, e.g. nursing staff in hospitals is implemented by the IB, its partner organizations and the client
The companies determine the criteria for the profile in cooperation with the partners in the respective countries.
Experts from EU and Non-EU countries are mostly integrated into work. The selection of suitable specialists takes place after a preselection in the home country.
IB particularly considers the qualification level of the respective applicants.
They should have at least the required technical training, the relevant university degree or the required technical conditions.
The IB also supports you as young adults from abroad to find an apprenticeship in Germany.
Similar to the acquisition of skilled workers abroad, the IB is responsible for accommodation, language qualification, integration and support of the young people.
The IB especially focuses on supporting regions with a high unemployment rate to ensure future perspectives for the young adults.
Special attention is paid to the minimum qualifications of the candidates. A prerequisite is to have the A-levels (Abitur).
The selection of suitable applicants is carried out together with the employer in the respective country.
*B1 –course IB language institute in the country of origin -> to B1 approx. 6 months.
**B2 Final examination (TELC) preparation with qualified teachers, recognized as certified (TELC) examination center
***Application for professional recognition by participants starts in the country of origin and it is completed as soon as the results of the B2 examination are available - the necessary documents are prepared by the participants themselves and with the support of the IB.
+Source: from IB Group Website HERE
Recruitment in the respective country
The partner organization is providing the following services:
The basis of your selection are the qualifications, which are relevant for the partner organizations in the countries of origin. The partner organizations carry out the pre-selection of candidates. Of course, the companies determine the criteria for your job profiles. The IB partners also provide their support in the arrangement of all the necessary preparations for your to enter Germany, in case you are successfully selected.